Friday, 14 January 2011

While I was on the subject....

Cos I literally just mentioned UKsucks, the light bulb pinged above my head to put put fred and friends.
I think it was this shop that actually made realise how much I love product design and not everything has to be the same, boring dull look to it.
This has to be my ultimate fav product design company. Its just so creative and orginal and this rant/rave may last awhile but I shall stop ..wait ... hang on .... 1 more second .... NOW! *boom* finish
I feel like an advertiser... but I just couldn't stop myself sharing my first inspirational product design


I was surfing the internet to get some alphabet ice cube trays for some typography work when I came across this site.I just had to mention it porbably because for some reason still unknown to everyone I tend to love   product design and gadgets and have made a few attempts of it myself... (they came out urr... interesting but that's another story lol)
The products are really orignal and they just have a cool kinda twist on everyday objects, so the product design bit of my head told me in little famiular voice that I had to put it here or it would take away my cookiees ( mean side of brain, i know XD.  BUT it sells a colour changing umbrella :O I think its cool :D
I'm not an advertiser but i thought I'd post this in case anyone else is interested it design. Its good site with some really quirky ideas and designs.

Click here to read more
Dead FredAlphabet Ice Cube Trays

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Cloudy colour

Just thought I would post some of my imagry for my graphics course. I ended up playing with food colouring and an empty bottle of water, there are some videos, but being new to this whole blog thing I haven't worked out how yet...*yeash I sound old :P*
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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

HEllO there

Hey there
I suppose in my first post I should put what this blog is all about.
My aim...oh dear it sounds like school, anyway... *clears throat*
to uhm umm
you know what there is no aim... well there was...but nah
its gonna be all about design from many viewpoints, if i have to crawl under rat to get so be it ! ha