Saturday, 31 March 2012

Randomly browsing through threadless and society 6 trying to get some inspiration of some sort!!

Smile for the camera - Brianna
Brianna ( Same person as above) Mad Love
Kiwi an

Doctor Hoo- Pupukachoo

Doctor hoo >>>>

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Posts this week

I doubt I will post the rest of this week as being behind a theatre show takes up a lot of time, as well as class. Hopefully I will have time tomorrow morning to post some eggs on the Easter egg hunt in London that I found last Saturday, and the a shadow puppet with any luck. I still need to update my fanfiction! I can't believe it's been added to over 40 people's favourite stories, 51 story alerts and 24 reviews now!! It sounds daft but it's so exciting- its practically my baby! 16 chapters and 59,423 but that does include some long ramblings on A.N.'s. I can't be far from the end now, it's going to be sad for me to finish! If you want to get involved, feel free to review and comment and etc. I love new ideas that I hadn't thought of! Also there is a poll for those of you who want to have a say in George's future!!  -- Link to fanfiction, which I'm sure I've mentioned before! The last chapter needs a complete rewrite as I've made a fairly major error, but I have no time! But thankfully the holidays are coming around again soon!!

Friday, 23 March 2012

OK. Do you have any problems getting in the bag now?

I bought the little robot from a guy in the market at convent gardens, it was too cute not to buy it. He's seems to have a taste for power over jelly babies, I think he's just discovered that they taste good :D

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Drum roll please

Seriously why aren't you enthusiastically tapping you desk/laptop in anticipation for the third post of the day of more regular consistent posts... tapping your fingers yet ? :P
I've decided to embark on a new adventure late this evening... yes I have got myself a tumblr account. This is mainly due the following conversation: (yes its in third person scripty thing on the side)
Kate's crazy friend   : You have a blog?
Kate also crazy person: Yes, for over a year now.
Kate's crazy friend: Oh, what on? Tumblr
Kate the krazy: Uh no,Blogger.
Kate's crazy friend: Never heard of it.
Kate's jaw drops and over dramatically gasps and stumbles for words in confusion pondering how google haven't over advertised one of their sites and made it well known. 
Kate the krazy: B..but ..ta..what?
Kate's crazy friend: Nope never heard of it
Kate the krazy: ....
Tumble weed rolls across the classroom in silence ( note this did not happen, artistic license) 
Next scene: Kate goes home and ponders about tumblr, late the next evening we see kate sitting with her laptop looking bored, the word tumblr is project from the back of the room and a huge glow lights up the room pouring from the laptop as she is immersed into a brand new adventure.  --- its slightly prettier than this one, but I miss the stars
I shall probably post to blogger still as I'm actually use to it

My attempted sock toy

 My book finally arrived yesterday ,after only a month after my birthday! As many people say better late than never. The funny thing was is that when I opened it the first thing I said was "It's the wrong one.". It turns out that I asked my mum to buy me the wrong one. But it's name so catchy and therfore stuck in my head more than the other one, and I think its a good thing as its actually got some really cool ideas, I expect you'll see some more of these later. Just like I can't paint I also can't sew that well. So following the instruction and actually being able to make a half decent outcome I'm quite impressed with myself, no matter how bad yoy think it may look :P
The only time I really differed from the pattern is the eye is suppose to a black seed bead, but I don't have any of those, and I used cotton wool for stuffing rather than rice.
The pattern's from a book calleds sockology, her website is
It even has two free patterns!
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A month late

 Seen as I'm going to post about my birthday present that finally arrived today, a month late I thought I might as well post my other present on the same day, whilst I reemember. I know regular posts from me I can already see dropping jaws.

On the left is something my parents worked incredivbly hard on. Its actually what I requested a steampunk usb stick. Seen as the one that I wanted was a rather ridiclous amount of money, they made their own cheaper version. My parents did't acutally realise the amount of work that would go into this usb, fnding the watch parts apparently was a nightmare, as well as taking apart some of the watches. But I'm really grateful they've tried and done such a fab job! I can now spot my usb stick from other people's, which can never be a bad thing. The loop at the top is actaully for a chain, as I have a bad habit of loosing my usb sticks. So the theroy having it around my neck as a neckalace, is that I'm less likely to loose it.
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Sunday, 18 March 2012

Latest project (poster for tomorrow)

It seems like a good idea just to post what I'm actually starting for my final project, otherwise there will be lots of strange posts to do with liberation, for no reason, when it's for research.
This is the link to the website for it. Poster for tomorrow.

and the picture below shows just what I mean about the 15 minutes of sunshine...
Its hailing as I type this.
Its been less than two hours... yes that is the same place that the sun was in today's previous post... rain storms the joy...

A little sunshine

It was nice to have 15 minutes of sun today. Only one month to go until some summer weather, than I can do some pretty drawings of flowers and hopefully snagged a few photos of butterflies. If not I shall resort to photographing my favoruite place in the summer, again!
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Thursday, 15 March 2012

I don't paint

Rather than doing coursework, and research which would have been probably more productive I decided to do something that I never do. Paint. I rarely touch paints as I always feel rubbish about painting and that I can't paint, probably down from the fact I got banned from using them when I was 7 for spilling paint over my carpet... so paints naturally became the enemy. Please bear in mind that I'm not a painter! Although that really shouldn't be an excuse. 

In case you are wondering it is a Resplondent Quetzal, from central America that lives in wild avocado trees in rainforests. The tails a bit short in proportion as they can grow up to 23 inches... it reminds me somewhat of Rapunzal from the brothers Grim stories!   I was shocked the other day to find that we had an actual copy of two of the books, so I didn't have to read it on my ipod, which I then did anyway. 

Monday, 12 March 2012


This was advertisement I did for one of my more recent projects to stop smoking. Its a pictogram, see if you can guess what it actually says. Before you scroll down and cheat! :P 

Its made entirely out of paper bar the face, which is an ohp sheet!

Answer: Smoking gives you 10 times more wrinkles than not smoking

Friday, 9 March 2012

Random drawing

I'm attempting to post at least once a month, I'd like to aim for once a fortnight but I can't see that happening anytime soon.

Anyways here's something I did today, for a bit of fun, and its now in the post travelling up the country as of ten minutes ago with any luck :D