Get inside my "creative" mind A.N. Lots of reading involved * comes with pretty pictures XD
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Odds and things
Right last week I did a few lions that I copied from a very pretty photo off of bing, ( the lion is now happily purring away in my sketchbook, I think there two in there now :) It was something that I enjoyed doing and reminded me of the days of watching the lion king on repeat.
If only I could find a way to deck my room out in these colours, it would be great haha.
Then there's Pablo the penguin. He is the accident of trying to make an octopus which I did make, then very promptly deleted. I just couldn't do the cute octopus I wanted and then somehow this little penguin was born. I'm fairly certain is has something to do with watching the film happy feet, something about penguins dancing really sank into my subconscious. Its a little abstract and Pablo just seemed to fit well, yes I know I've done the childish thing and named the animal with a P starting name for P starting animal haha. Anyway that's four what I hope are lovely things in one post, hoorah.
Ooh and it was one year yesterday since I started my fanfiction and its sill going *cheers* happy days!
Sunday, 8 July 2012
New Blog on its way!
Friday, 6 July 2012
Graphite heart
There isn't a great detail that I can really tell you about this. Except that I missed using a graphite stick and it makes a nice change.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
That castle challenge
I know its not finiahed but its a work in progress, it could turn out well perhaps.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
I've been experimenting with my watercolours and fineliners, anf forgot how much I missed working with a craft knife and paper, ok its not much but it was good practise for me to make cleaner cuts, and smaller triangles. Now wants to tell me how many triangles they can see? haha
I really want to put the link of james blunt singing my triangle from youtube. I miss the humour of my old maths teacher.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
egyptian thing... challenged by a friend , one day i will finish my own challenge and post the german castle