Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Dun dun duhhhhhh

Another post! I know the title of my last post was its been awhile, but its been three months. I've been rather busy, and I'm going to get busier soon!!!!!!!
Here a couple of postcards I made some of my friends, they aren't fantastic but its something I'm rather proud of and spent quite awhile making just to put a smile onto their faces, whilst they are doing all their revision.
They even have classification information on the back! Points if you can translate the latin names of the first one!

Read on if you want a pointless ranting session 
I wish more people would do blogs!!! Then everyone could share so much more, but you wouldn't expect a daily status etc. just something their proud of! Writing, poetry, drawing, their favorite things, books, trips around the world, photography, a photo a day, how far they are do achieving their lifetime goal, how they would make living on the moon the best place to be. Perhaps I should do these things too! 

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